Friday, October 21, 2022
As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities carried out, representatives of the Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, is Samegrelo – Zemo Svaneti region, brought to the criminal liability one person on the fact of commercial bribery and manufacturing and selling forged official documents.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities, representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, initiated criminal prosecution against two persons, on the fact of misappropriation of large amount of state property by deceit, prior agreement as a group, by manufacturing and using forged official documents.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
As a result of the operative-searching and investigative activities, employees of the Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, detained one person in the Adjara region on the facts of illegal entrepreneurial activity, large amount of property damage by deception, legalization of especially large amount of illegal income and especially large amount of tax evasion.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities, representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, through the coordinated activities with the representatives of the Customs Department of the Revenue Service, exposed 2 facts of importing large amounts of undeclared various types of jewelry and gold products to the customs border of Georgia.
Monday, October 10, 2022
Within the framework of the project - “Support to the Public Administration Reform in Georgia”, funded by the European Union, an introductory meeting was held at the Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance with the representatives of accredited embassies in Georgia. The meeting was attended by the: Police Attaché of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany - Diedrich Ebers, Internal Security Attaché of the Embassy of the French Republic - Olivier Lefebvre, Expert - Igoris Krzeckovskis and Head expert of Accountability and Transparency - Harrie van Boxmeer.