Friday, November 5, 2021
As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities, representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia detained Russian citizen on the fact of misappropriation of large amount of someone’s property by deceit and manufacturing and using forged document certifying authority on the property.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities, representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia charged one person on the fact of manufacturing and using forged tax and other official documents, attempting to misappropriate a large amount of property rights by deceit and fraudulently damaging the state.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities, representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, exposed seven persons on the fact of misappropriation of large amount of state property by deceit by manufacturing and using forged documents.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Investigation Service continues to take active measures in order to identify and expose persons involved in manufacturing and using forged documents – Covid-passports and coronavirus laboratory tests, reflecting negative results.
Friday, October 22, 2021
As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities, representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia detained one person on the fact of selling forged money, in large quantities.