Representatives of Carabinieri Currency anti-Counterfeiting Unit of the Republic of Italy visited Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia.
Delegation of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland visited the Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia. Deputy Heads of the Investigation Service, Vakhtang Paresishvili and Vaja Panozishvili, and other officials of the Service met with the delegation members. The delegation was led by Stephanie Joyce, Fiscal Crime Liaison Officer of HM Revenue and Customs of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Meeting was also attended the Regional Director of the International Intelligence and Operations Department at the National Crime Agency ,Graham Hancock and Amanda Hickman, the International Relations Officer at the same department with political secretary of the British Embassy, Sophie Stewart.
Delegation of Financial Investigation Department of State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus visited Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia. Head of Investigation Service, Mr. Soso Ramishvili, together with high level officials of Investigation Service had a meeting with Deputy Chairman of the State Control Committee - Director of the Financial Investigation Department Mr. Igor Marshalov, and representatives of the same authority – Mr. Dimitri Diagilev and Viktor Bogomazov.
Meeting with representatives of Armenian delegation was held at Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia. Head of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, Mr. Soso Ramishvili, together with other top level officials of the Service and Deputy Heads of Ministry of Finance Mr. Leri barnabishvili and Lasha Khutsishvili had a meeting with Deputy Chairman of State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Rustam Badasyan and Head of Investigation Division of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Edvard Hovhannisyan.
Deputy Heads of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, Mr. Vaja Panozishvili and Mr. Vakhtang Paresishvili had a meeting with: assistant legal attaché of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the Embassy of the United States of America – Matthew Boyden, Supervisory Special Agent of Criminal Investigative Division of Transnational Organized Crime - East of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the U.S. Department of Justice – Thayne A. Larson, Investigator of the Office of the Legal Attaché of Embassy of the United States of America - Giorgi Berishvili.
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