“It is important for the society to have a high-level credibility towards the Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia” – Minister of Finance of Georgia Mr. Mamuka Bakhtadze stated.
During the meeting with representatives of the Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance, the Minister of Finance of Georgia, Mr. Mamuka Bakhtadze summarized the activities carried out during 2017 and underlined important novelties planned in 2018.
Minister of Finance of Georgia mentioned again the importance of those reforms that are planned by the Ministry of Finance in 2018. He also underlined the importance of active communication with business sector and representatives of society.
“On a meeting we spoke about the priorities that will be especially focused on in 2018. As you know the state budget of 2018 is increased by almost GEL 1 000 000 000. The upcoming year will be even more dynamic in terms of the economic growth. Besides, these challenges are increasing, spectrum of financial and economic crime is widening; therefore there will be novelties in the Investigation Service. Also the important task is to have high-level credibility from the public towards each reform that the Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia will implement.” – Minister of Finance of Georgia Mr. Mamuka Bakhtadze said.
According to him, it is vitally important for the Investigation Service to keep its activities objective, fair and at the same time maintaining the rule of law principles and fighting against economic crime.
According to the statement of Head of the Investigation Service Mr. Levan Gamkrelidze – combating and preventing financial and economic crime will be continued in 2018. At the same time, with the assistance of the donor organizations, the programs of trainings and experience sharing for the employees will be implemented, as well as the respective internship programs for young staff members.
During the meeting Mr. Mamuka Bakhtadze underlined once again the role of the Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance in guarding protection of the economic security of the country and noted, that important steps will be taken to improve the existing material-technical base of the Investigation Service for the next year.