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Regular meeting of managing board of ontainer Control Program (CCP) as held in the Investigation Service

Monday, April 23, 2018
Regular meeting of managing board of ontainer Control Program (CCP) as held in the Investigation Service

Under the mutual project - Container Control Program (CCP) of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and World Customs Organization (WCO) –regular meeting of Managing Board was held in the Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia. Main topic of the meeting was discussion of the progress of the Program, results achieved and future plans. Meeting was managed by coordinator of the Black Sea region at UNODC – Dr. Naida Chamilova.

Main topic of the meeting was discussion about the expansion of sphere of activities. In order to raise effectiveness of the program, members of the Board have discussed all the optimal options for expansion of sphere of activities and strengthening of those groups, acting within the frames of the program. On the meeting, it was underlined that joint, coordinated and active work of each agency involved in the program, is the key to success and positive outcome.
Coordinator of the Black Sea region at UNODC – Dr. Naida Chamilova summarized the results of the activities carried out within the frames of the Project and spoke about the future plans. It was noted that, it is planned to work on public relations more actively and maximally spread information about the importance and activities of Container Control Program.

It was said, that informational meetings will be held for the employees of the agencies involved in the Program, aim of the meetings is to inform about aims, methods of working and the achievements of the Program.

Representatives of the state authorities involved in the program (Investigation Service and Revenue Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia, as well as Patrol Police Department and Central Criminal Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia) attended the meeting.

Four state authorities are involved in mutual project - Container Control Program (CCP) of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and World Customs Organization (WCO): Investigation Service and Customs Department of Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, as well as Patrol Police Department and Central Criminal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia. Scope of the Program covers the following areas: customs crossing points, customs clearance zones and free industrial zones. The aim of Container Control Program is to suppress illegal turnover of goods, detect drugs, military and dual-use products at the border, protect objects of intellectual property, collaborate with the countries participating in the Program, exchange of information, etc.

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