As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities, representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia imposed criminal liability on two entrepreneurs on the fact of issuing and using forged documents while taking part in state tenders.
Investigation determined that the accused persons, who didn’t have appropriate experience on doing specific works requested by purchasing company, as obligatory term for a competitor taking part in tender, prepared forged documents - agreements, delivery –acceptance acts and other documents as proof of experience and submitted above mentioned forged documents to the commission of tender.
Investigation is underway under article 362 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which envisages imprisonment from 3 to 6 years.
Investigation Service intensively carries out corresponding operative-searching and investigative activities to expose possible criminal activities committed by entrepreneurs during the processes of state tenders.
As a result of activities carried out by Investigation Service in 2018, criminal liability was imposed on 20 entrepreneurs for committing similar type of crimes.