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Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia imposed criminal liability on 7 persons on the fact of fraudulent and hypocritical transaction of a huge amount of property

Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia imposed criminal liability on 7 persons on the fact of fraudulent and hypocritical transaction of a huge amount of property

As a result of the conducted operative-investigative activities and investigative actions employees of the Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia have exposed 7 enterpreneurial entities on the fact of fraudulent and hypocritical transaction of a huge amount of property.

Investigation has determined, that as a result of the conducted tax inspections and inventories enterprises were charged to pay GEL 602 395 in favor of the state budget. In order to avoid accrued taxes, entrepreneurial entities were systematically implementing alienation of properties registered on them, on the name of their family members and relatives through fraudulent and hypocritical transactions. As a result of this, no movable and immovable property was fixed on the balance sheet of the inspected enterprises and accordingly, tax authorities could not collect by constraint the taxes and fines accrued in favor of the budget, which caused significant damage to the state budget.

Investigative actions revealed that heads of the above-mentioned enterprises hid the property in the total value GEL 120 876 through fraudulent and hypocritical transaction.

Investigation is underway under the sub-paragraph “b” of the III part of the Article 2051 of Criminal Code of Georgia, which envisages deprivation of liberty from 6 to 9 years.

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