Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia gives explanation on the case of “Badagoni” Ltd. one more time.
Representative of “Grakoro Trading Limited” have addressed the Investigation Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia with the statement, on the fact of embezzlement of another person’s share in the capital of “Badagoni” Ltd. On basis of the above mentioned statement, decision on starting an investigation had been made.
During the investigation process, on basis of corresponding motion/statement filed by the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia, court rulings on seizing documents and retrieving electronic information had been issued by Tbilisi City Court.
Despite the fact that, according to the court rulings, all documents of “Badagoni” Ltd. from January 1, 2013 to February 1, 2018 were to be seized, taking into consideration the issue, not to interrupt the working process of the company, from the head office of “Badagoni” Ltd. situated in Tbilisi, representatives of the Investigation Service, in full compliance with procedural norms, have seized only the documents (totally one folder) concerning selling of share, investment, taking of loan from a bank and on usage of the above mentioned loan in appropriate way. Electronic information is also withdrawn from the office of the company and together with the seized documents were sealed up in presence of persons taking part to the investigative activities.
We would like to underline the fact that a leg search was not conducted in the office of “Badagoni” Ltd. Only investigative activity - seizing of documents was carried out without using any coercive measures of criminal procedure, during this process above mentioned documentation and electronic information was provided by the representatives of “Badagoni” Ltd. voluntarily.
The above mentioned investigative activities did not and could not cause any interruption of the working process of “Badagoni” Ltd. Besides, information about seizure of computer equipment, interrupting of working process and registering lien on the enterprise is not correct.
On this stage, intensive investigative activities concerning the above mentioned case are carrying out and false announcements will not obstruct conducting of full investigation, establishing objective truth and making decision in full compliance with law.
Activities of the Investigation Service are oriented on protecting interests of the state, business and citizens.